So, I have not been doing very good on book summaries as of late.
However, I have been ROCKING my goal of reading one book a week. I think I have maybe missed two weeks, and the following weeks I read an extra one to make up for it. This has probably ended up being my favorite goal on my 27 things to do in my 27th year list, and something I would like to keep going for many, many years.
Cutting for Stone – Amazing. Amazing. Amazing book. The author also wrote another book called In My Own Country, which I am hoping to read soon but it is not yet on Kindle.
The Glass Castle – A good quick read. It makes you appreciate how sane and normal your own family is.
A Time to Kill – I have decided John Grisham is going to be my new go-to, long distance travel author. I read this while Jill and I were taking nine million bus rides and it was the perfect travel book.
The Coming Plague – If you are interested in public health or infectious disease you will completely nerd out on this book.
Shades of Gray – Not. A. Fan. I’m sorry, but I don’t get what the hype is all about. I think that the author forgot that most good book have a plot. Or a point in general.
There have been others, but those are the most recent ones.
My book this week is The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down. This is another one my mom recommended. She is a smart one, because I can’t put it down. If I had a required book list for all medical and public health students this one would probably be at the top.