Monday, February 4, 2013

Goal Check

I realized last week (thanks to my lovely friend Mckenzie) that I only have five months left on my 27 in 27 goals.

Here is quick update to keep me honest:

1. Read a book a week - Still on track with this one and I am loving it!
2. Rescue a baby sea turtle*
3. Give it three months - Ehh - sort of did this
4. During non travel/brigade put in 10 hours of Spanish Time - I have not been doing this at all
5. Each week, point to one thing way outside my comfort zone, that I did
6. Write a letter every week - Always send a thank you note - I have a stack waiting to be mailed!!
7. Some goals are private
8. Write a book
9. Do all 33 new habits
10. Get into Johns Hopkins - DONE!!
11. Complete the USAID course
12. Touch every country in Central America - Only 2 left!
13. Learn to scuba* - DONE!!
14. Private
15. Run a Half Marathon in under 2hours - I'm not sure this is still a priority of mine
16. Climb the highest peak in Honduras
17. Hit Fluent - GW test 110 & 100% - GOT to get moving on this
18. Write a grant proposal - May be shifting this one a bit.
19. Get a meditation routine going
20. Read Patholigies of Power AND a Peace to end all Peace
21. Leave Shoulder to Shoulder with an amazing rec.
22. Work on my penmanship
23. Submit a short story/article
24. Still more privacy
25. Learn my multiplication tables*
26. Stay in contact with the people I care about
27. And some more privacy

Still got some work to do!

Back in the swing of things!

Wow - I have been a terrible blogger! 


Getting back from two months of travel has made it a bit hard to get back into normal life.

The adjustment has been a bit tough but, this week my goal is to get going again on all the things that make up life in Santa Lucia.

Including this blog!