Sunday, December 16, 2012


So, this is a long overdue update!

However, since I'm fairly sure my parents make up about 50% of my blog audience, I didn't do any updating while they were in town.

It was a really great trip, and I loved showing them where I am living. We spent a week in Copan Ruinas, two days in Pico Bonito (an incredible National Park), and another week in Roatan. I got very very good at being on vacation!

Also, if you are looking for an amazing place to stay in Honduras you should have my mom do your travel plans. Both of the places we stayed were incredible!

For example, this was our dock in Roatan. Every night we watched the sunset out there:
 Doesn't get much better than that!

Now, Jill and I have started our adventure to Panama. We arrived in Managua, Nicaragua yesterday and head on to Grenada tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I love Nica!!!! Have fun! :) I am glad you had a great time with your 'rents!
