Thursday, October 11, 2012

Never Gets Old

I started my day off today watching a chubby little girl be born.

It was amazing.


This is the third birth I have seen in the past four days, and I am loving it.

I'm filming all the births for a study they are doing here. My roommate Kathryn normally does this, but she is in the US for six weeks, so I am stepping in.

I love it.

Maybe after twenty of these it gets boring and routine.

But, right now, it is amazing each and every time.


  1. YAY for babies!! So now you really CAN deliver my baby when you come back!! :)

    1. whoa how cool would THAT be!!!!! hmm this brings me to the next she not telling me somthing really really important..lets see jill is gone 6- 9 months!! hmm somthing may be "cooking"?

    2. I mean with Jane..(not with Jill... oh help us all!!!!)
      just had to clarify....

    3. Jane, I'm afraid I won't be that much help with your baby. So far my only skills are knowing when to say empuja (push)or respira (breathe). But if you need someone to film it, I can totally do that!
