Friday, January 27, 2012


I have now been told by three separate people that I look exactly like this woman. She plays the vampire mom in the Twilight movie.
True or false?


  1. Grandma G. shared your blog address. Looking forward to reading about your adventures. Loved the blog on headlice and plan to share with my co-workers at the Health Department. Head lice are alive and well in Iowa too! I would think that the baby oil would prevent further bugs from staying on the hair?? Do you shampoo with regular shampoo too?

    1. Hi Susan. I'm glad you enjoyed the post.
      The girls all washed their hair after getting the eggs picked out. I think it just makes it easier to slide the eggs off the individual strands.
      They don't really use lice shampoo down here. I know they have it in the clinic but I think unless a kid is coming in new, with a really bad case, they just stick with hand picking them out. It seems to work. They are never completely gone but none of the girls ever seem to get them very badly either.
      Hope everyone is well! Congrats on the new grand-babies!
