Monday, January 23, 2012


Ahhhh, much better.

This last week has been a lot. I knew things would be tough in the beginning. In a strange way I look forward to those tough readjustment periods, especially in a new place. I think you learn more about yourself than during any other period.

Still, this week was tough. It was a lot of ups and downs. One moment feeling like this was the perfect place and the next wondering how I would survive thirteen (or more) months.

Plus, the days here are long. We are up at breakfast around seven and have orientation activities until four. A break from four to six and then it is off to Hogar visits. Keep in mind, all of this is happening while continually switching from Spanish to English and back again.

Draining has been the name of the game.

Sunday is our descanso (rest) day. So I was a bit bummed that the internet was not functioning. I had planned to Skype, e-mail and just in general reconnect with life in the States.

Sometimes, the universe just knows what you need. And the universe today knew that I needed to get away for a bit.

Since I couldn’t get online, Caro, Michelle and I walked out to the Represa. The Represa is a large, damned up lake type thing here on the Ranch. It is sort of startling when you first come upon it because it is so big and fairly isolated.

It was exactly what I needed. We swam around. Ate watermelon. Chatted. I came back feeling so much more relaxed and ready to take on the next busy week. In fact, I’m really looking forward to it.

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